Detecting wear and tear as well as production errors
Initial and advanced development of eDrive transmissions and conventional transmissions goes through extensive durability tests before moving on to series production. The Discom “Marathon” durability test system is used to check transmission prototypes for wear and tear as well as possible design weaknesses.
Automatic segmentation of the test run
In the durability test, driving cycles are used that simulate road driving or also place special emphasis on certain speed and torque ranges. These cycles are repeated many times.
The Marathon software automatically detects segments in the cycles with stable test conditions, for example driving at a constant speed or ramps. All measurement results are assigned to their respective cycle segment so that the analysis of trends always compares data items that match with each other.
Detecting the gear and drive ratio
The Discom system automatically detects which gear is engaged from the rotational speeds and drive ratio and uses this information for the segmentation of the test run. The temperature of the test specimen is also acquired and taken into account.
MaraView software
This software suite is a powerful tool for R&D departments for analyzing and evaluating durability tests precisely – online and offline. Discom has developed a dedicated analysis software tool for the special requirements of trend analysis in an durability test: MaraView. The software is based on the well-established TasAlyser analysis software with a results database. With this software, it is possible, among other things, to analyze trends and detect developing damage and changes to various operating conditions at an early stage.
Production analysis
WebPal Production Statistics from Discom helps users to track trends, allowing them to detect problems that will occur at an early stage, before they become a true problem.
Your benefits
Evaluate durability tests reliably
- Comprehensive analysis of test specimens in an durability test
- Reliable statements on aging and wear in the durability test
- Clear pinpointing of damage
- Marathon software for durability testing with the MaraView analysis tool
Your advantages
Development of successful products for the market
- Durability testing with the Discom system provides assurance that the transmission units will work in a practical setting
- Prevent complaints at an early stage
- Technological edge over the competition
- Succes in the market
Info sheet endurance test and marathon system
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